It’s not what you wear always but it’s how you carry your whole presentation and attitude along with it. Be wary of flowing cuff, although it look gorgeous spilling out from a suit jacket but they can play havoc when dining as they can fall into your dinner plate and the plates of others. Watch your cuffs.
Full length gloves are a must for balls and gala events full length gloves are not an item we see everyday but if you are invited to dine with royalty you will be required to wear them. Remember to take them off before eating. Okay so we don’t often dine with the queen everyday but it is useful to know.
Go for darker eyes or lips for special occasions to feel extra special for a night out try something a bit more adventurous with your make up. Try darker eyes or lips but remember never both. Reveal skin with a plunging back if you want to reveal some skin try going for a plunging back for a change. It is a sexy look without being too revealing.
Cocktail dress generally means a short sparkly outfit cocktail dress can consist of the little black dress strappy heels and glittery jewellery. You could also wear a sparkly dress elegant strappy shoes and understated gold or silver jewellery. Whether you are a plump girl or more into a great flat, the key is that you’re go to shoe is well designed, versatile and timeless. Strappy sandals add glamour take off your court shoes and slip on some strappy sandals for evening glamour. Take off you hosiery as well if your shoes have open toes.

Don’t wear a sparkly dress and glittery jewellery together. Expect respect if you find you being referred to as babe, honey or darling respond simply with an excuse me, or pardon to make sure you will not be called by anything but your name. Don’t let your breasts speak for you when a man insists on talking to your breasts don’t reply until he looks at you in the eye. I don’t know about you but my breasts never have much to say and I don’t like to speak for them. Wear the appropriate clothing required if you are invited to a function that has a specific dress code adhere to it is an insult to the host to not wear the suitable clothing. Always shake hands present your hand for a handshake when you first meet someone. There is no need to wait for someone to extend his or her hand first. Extend yours and welcome the newcomer to you. If you want to be treated equal to the men they are prepared to stand at the table to make introductions and shake hands. This will put you on equal footing with the big boys.

Formal dress is one step above the cocktail dress this style of dressing is more elegant than the cocktail dress. It is full length rich in colour and can make you feel like a million dollars. Black skirts look great with sequined tops. The best colours are emerald red amethyst, topaz blue or any colour that represents a jewel.
Avoid wearing white to a formal wedding although the bride may not mind the focus is supposed to be on her and besides you don’t want to look like a wannabe bride. Very fine and sheer hosiery is ideal for evening wear. Your daytime hosiery may be too thick for a gorgeous glamorous.
Use a sheer wrap to maintain modesty if you feel uncomfortable in your fine strappy dress wear a sheer top or wrap over the top to still expose the sexiness of skin and still maintain some decorum. Even if you’re not a fragrance girl, find a lotion, oil or body wash that’s perfectly you.
Good posture exudes confidence no matter how expensive your outfit is or how well presented you are without good posture you will always look shabby.
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