Always teach your kids from early age to dress as if they are expecting to run into some one you respect always expect the unexpected, never be poorly dress. Make sure your clothes are neat clean well ironed and use the right deodorant. This will teach your kids to be well dressed throughout their life. As all mothers always say don’t leave home without a handkerchief.
When you are confused with sizes go to the larger size and have it reduced to fit you, the better you buy the longer it will last and smarter you will look. For playing outside or inside, it is important that the clothes be both inexpensive and dark-colored so as not to show dirt. For both boys and girls, a pair of comfortable, loose-fitting pants is essential for running around. Shopping for children's clothing can be fun, but finding the right size presents its challenges, especially when sizes may vary from store to store. Manufacturers use sizing charts to help the customers this days. Kids are hard on their clothes, so for playing, opt for less expensive clothing so you won't mind if it gets roughed up. Avoid patch work pant or bags it is out of fashion, wear something which will increased the beauty of your kids and is extremely comfortable.

When dressing for fancier events, don't get carried away with looks and sacrifice comfort. Make sure you communicate with your child when buying more formal clothes, which often come in styles and looks. They may not like these kinds of clothes to begin with, but if you shop together you should be able to find something suitable.
Teach your children to be confident in their appearance, no matter how nervous never cross your arms in front of elders and friends. One tends to be too conscious and a lack of grooming from your academic backgrounds can also show. You climb even the tallest mountain one step at a time. You can keep moving towards your goal if you set aside time each day, complete one or several baby steps. Keep your list of steps handy in case you lose on every step. The momentum you create by completing one baby step will lead you to complete the next. Before you know it you will have achieved your goal.

Shoes are something you should definitely take extra time to shop for, and be prepared to spend a little more money. Toddlers grow a mile a minute, and making sure that their shoes fit properly is an ongoing task. Make sure the shoes are comfortable and in good shape. Boots are meant for casual wear not for formal parties. Your belt and shoes and handbags should match, do not wear formal shoes with casual wear, or tracksuit Buy a good pair of athletic shoes and a comfortable pair of dressier shoes.
When you are travelling long distances wear boxer shorts they give you room to breathe. Whenwearing tie see that it just touches your belt when you are standing up, longer or shorter will make you look unsmart.

Do not go for white stocking , go for any other colour because they do not do the slimmest legs any favours. Must for kids is a good sunscreen lotion to save from skin cancer and lot of skin disease as children skin are not so strong enough to face the harsh sun. As kids tan easily you can apply on them the paste of turmeric with gram flour and leave for sometime before taking a bath lightly scrub in circular motions and wash off. This must be done around the neck; face and entire body specially the hands and legs which are exposed to sun. You can use grated carrots with honey to get rid of any kind of skin tan in the form of a pack. Apply curd on your face daily for 10 minutes. Feel the difference as it is one of the best natural bleaches available on your kitchen itself.
No matter what you do giving good values to your child from an early age is important. As the saying goes what you reap is what you sow.